Libya; Chemical Weapons used against Bani Walid.

After yesterdays initial reports, nsnbc could tonight confirm that NATO as well as NATO lead “rebels use chemical weapons against the people of Bani Walid and Loyal Libyan Soldiers. by Dr. Christof Lehmann

September 10, Russia Television,RT, and other sources reportet that NATO used chemical weapons against loyal Libyan troops and the population in Bani Walid. Other sources, among other CNN, reported that “rebels” had found abandoned stockpiles of chemical weapons at the outskirts of Bani Walid, claiming that “Ghadafi” intended to use them against the “rebels”. While communication to Bani Walid is problematic, nsnbc succeeded to reach our contact in Bani Walid, clarifying the situation.

A chemical weapons depot in Tripoli was overrun by NATO lead mercenaries when NATO vessels initiated the amphibian, air and ground attack on Tripoli, marking the beginning of Tripolis fall into the hands of the TNC, and now military commander, Al Qaeda commander, and former Guantanamo inmate, Abdelhakim Belhadj, aka Hasidi. While the NATO lead forces have made several attempts to take Bani Walid after bombing raids by NATO planes, the assaults have been repelled. The rebels at Bani Walid have been reenforced by contingents that have been withdrawn from the Siege against Sirte.

Yesterday rebels began a sporadic artillery assault, using some chemical weapons, while NATO planes bombed the city. After yesterdays attack was repelled, the rebel forces were today moving to forward positions, firing artillery shells with mustard gas into the city. Tonight, at 01.30 p.m GMT, on September the 12th, NATO is bombing Bani Walid, among other with, so far unspecified chemical weapons, while rebel forces are firing artillery shells, including shells with mustard gas into Bani Walid. The NATO lead rebels are approaching to forward positions under protection of the barrage and aireal bombardement, in preparation of a full scale ground attack, which is expected during the early morning hours. Our source inside Bani Walid is speaking of numerous casualties from the onslaught. The majority of them being civilians.

Both Bani Walid and Sirte populations report of humanitarian disasters. Hospitals are overburdened and even major operations have to be performed without anaestetics. At times, hospitals loose electric power, and water supplies are critical. Many dead as well as wounded are reported trapped in the ruins of bombed and shelled building. Rescue effords are often impossible due to the continuous onslaught. Drinking water supplies in Sirte have been poisoned. Human rights organizations world wide are demanding an immediate halt of the ongoing massacres, while corporate media like CNN are making themselves lible for war crimes for sending false reports about “Ghadafi Forces spoiled intend to use chemical weapons against the rebels”.

As we reported in previous articles, the rebel forces are to a large extend composed of Afghan mercenaries that were imported by the CIA, NATO Special Operation Units that command rack tag rebels, including Al Qaeda forces, contractors from XE, ex Blackwater, and other adventurers, opportunist, and professional murderers.

For arab speaking readers, please watch the video from RT – Arab Language below.

Dr. Christof Lehmann

12.09.2011 – A Night That Will Live In Infamy.

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