Clinton threatens Russia and China at “Friends of Syria” Meeting.

Clinton threatens Russia and China at “Friends of Syria” Meeting.

By Christof Lehmann – nsnbc – Last Friday delegates of good and well 100 Arab, Western, and mainly Western-Allied nations met in Paris under the umbrella of the “Friends of Syria”.  As already pointed out in a previous article about the previous meeting of the group, one is tempted to ask the question “With such good friends, who needs any enemies ?“.(1) The group of “friends” have been very active in their friendly activities since that meeting in February 2012. Thus, the terrorist activities, including kidnappings, bombings of civilian infrastructure, the bombing of radio stations, the murder on journalists have increased. With their friendly help, the friends of Syria have succeeded at beefing up the NATO/GCC led mercenary army in Syria to such a degree that it could commit the friendly act of mass murder in Al-Houla, not to speak about the daily massacres that are taking place in their befriended Syria, which are paid and financed by them.

The vultures, sorry, I mean “friends” are so kindhearted that they are already establishing a bureau in Berlin, which is sponsored by Germany and the United Arab Emirates. Naturally, a real friend will make sure that he can earn a little on rebuilding the country for which destruction he has been investing oh so much. The details about the establishment of the “Friends of Syria Office” in Berlin were described in a previous article. (2)

Everything could look rather positive for the group of friends, was it not for the fact that they were badly defeated by Russia and China on the diplomatic front.

The Western and Arab Corporate and State Sponsored Media are keeping populations in la la land. Not a word about the fact that Syria has held fair elections has reached the public. They have succeeded in hiding the fact that Syria already has an all inclusive new government, with members of the new parties holding key ministry positions. The propaganda machine works flawless.

The flow of weapons that kills thousands of Syrian civilians and military personnel  in “Friendly Fire Incidents” is working perfectly. There are plenty of terrorist brigades from Al-Qaeda´s LIFG and Omar Brigade, from the Muslim Brotherhood and others, who are fighting the “Holy NATO War of Imperialism and Modo-Colonialism.”

One of the really great propaganda victories is, that both Arabs and Westerners were made to believe that the crackpot dictators from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar are interested in exporting “Democracy and Human Rights“. What a joke. So – everything would be a land of milk and honey, was it not for those bad kids, Russia and China, who succeeded in blocking for another full scale kinetic humanitarian mass homicide Libya Style.

No military intervention in Syria, no foreign interference, no solution that is dictated from abroad is acceptable” was the loud and clear message from those uncivilized human rights violating, warmongering, tyrant supporting maniacal countries Russia and China.

Peaceful and kindhearted human beings like Clinton and Obama and all the other real friends of Syria are naturally appalled and outraged by such bad behavior. Consequently, Hillary Clinton stated at the “Friends of Syria Meeting” in Paris, that Russia and China “will pay a price“. Right Hillary, give it to them !

The question is, how can the Friends of Syria really punish Russia and China for their bad behavior? To make the question more easily understandable: “What can they possibly do to make things worse than they already are?”

What else, short of overt military aggression against Russia and China is there left ? More troops to the Philippines and Thailand to threaten Chinese trade ? Already done.  Drag Russia into a long and protracted war in the Middle East, Afghanistan-USSR Style ? That´s of course an option. Manufacture another confrontation in Ossetia ? Not unlikely, since Rambling Rummie Rumsfeld has just been on a visit to Georgia. Riots in Tibet ? IT´s always possible to play the Dalai CiaLama Card. Color revolution in Belorussian cities ? Already tried it, but maybe a second attempt will be more successful ? More executed Iranian nuclear scientists ? Right, the Mossad boys are good at that kind of friendship. Some millions funneled to subversive elements in Russia and China ? Already done and it did not work with Putin at the helm. But – there are plenty of options. Increased pressure against Chinese interests in Africa – rare earth metals ?

No, that´s dumb, because the US needs the products that are made in China, the US/NATO military capability is overstretched already, the economy is in shambles and resources are rare – but then again, who said that one has to be particularly intelligent in order to become a “Friend of Syria“.

It´s with The Friends of Syria as it is with the Hells Angels. You qualify if you have the right criminal record and blood on your hands.

Christof Lehmann


1) Friends of Syria. With such good friends, who needs any enemies?
2)Vulture “Friends of Syria” plan the “Rebuilding of Syria” from Berlin Office financed by Germany and the U.A.E.

About christoflehmann

Christof Lehmann is the founder and senior editor of nsnbc. Christof Lehmann is a political writer, psychologist, and independent political consultant on a wide range of issues, including conflict and conflict resolution, negotiations, security management, crisis management. His articles are published widely in international print and online media and he is a frequent contributor to radio and TV programs. He is a lifelong advocate for human rights, peace and international justice and the prosecution of war crimes - also those committed by privileged nation. In September 2011 Christof Lehmann started the blog nsnbc in response to what he perceived as an embargo on truth about the conflict in Libya and Syria. In 2013, he plans to transform nsnbc into an independent, daily, international online newspaper.
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