North Korea Propaganda War and the Weaponization of Space.

Last Wednesday the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea had invited foreign journalists to the satellite control center that will control the launch of a satellite into Earth orbit. The Gwangmyungsung 3 satellite is designed to provide the DPRK with vital environmental imagery to the North Korean Earth Environment Information Center. Satellite imagery, that will help making improvements in the Peoples Republics agricultural sector.

The launch of the rocket and the Gwanmyungsung 3 satellite is expected to take place on next Thursday and Monday, depending on among other, weather conditions. Visiting journalists have been informed that fuel has been loaded into the rocket and that the satellite has been installed and is ready for launch.

The director of the DPRK`s space program, Paek told international media, that the launch facility had been opened to international journalists to dispel concerns by the West and North Korea´s neighbors that the DPRK is testing a long-range ballistic missile. Paek called on international journalists and experts for impartial judgment, which is not surprising, given that fact that the launch of the Gwanmyungsung 3 satellite is being instrumentalized by most NATO countries and NATO allied countries media as a means of positioning the DPRK as villain, and unpredictable rouge state who bluntly threatens it´s neighbors and the world.

Thus Western media make use of “experts”, in an attempt to scare Western populations into believing that the DPRK “could” use the same rocket to launch nuclear warheads. This and similar propaganda strategies are, not surprisingly, most prevalent in Western countries who have themselves stockpiled sufficient amounts of nuclear war heads and delivery systems, to incinerate the entire globe multiple times. South Korea scares it´s population into fear of war by proclaiming, that it would shoot down the rocket if it strayed over South Korean territory, which the DPRK rightfully would perceive as an act of war.

In all the international reporting about Korea, North or South, and Pyongyang´s development of rocket and satellite technology, there is astonishing little mention of international law. It seems, laws only apply when they serve NATO.

According to the United Nations Treaties and Principles on the Use of Outer Space, the DPRK has every right to peaceful exploration of Space, and it has every right to launch satellites for scientific, commercial, communications, and other purposes. Any disputes, any potential risks that should arise due to eventual accidents, sort directly under the office of the Secretary general of the United Nations. NATO having separate contracts with the UN and NATO allies, however, are most likely less concerned with international law than they are concerned with the fact that the launch of the Gwanmyungsung 3 satellite is perfectly suited for being instrumentalized as a means of Propaganda Warfare against the DPRK.

Given the fact that propaganda warfare is a typical precursor or symptom of far more aggressive covert or overt military and other aggression, one might come to the conclusion that the latest North Korea Nuke Scare is more dangerous for the peace than any of North Korea´s satellite programs.

The full text of the UN TREATIES on the USE of OUTER SPACE, downloadable below, makes by far more interesting reading, and in particular, when compared with NATO´s systematic military use of Outer Space, NATO doctrin like that of Global, Full Spectrum Dominance, including Space and Weather. The Heart of Darkness, of a possible nuclear winter, is certainly not to be found in Pyongyang.

Christof Lehmann


United Nations Treaties And Principles On Outer Space – 2002

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