Secret Qatari-Saudi Agreement to Supply Syrian Opposition with Weapons

At a time when some Gulf states claim care for the Syrians’ blood and solving the Syrian crisis, media and intelligence data and reports have exposed these states’ fake claims and conspiring against Syria.

In its issue published on Thursday, The Times newspaper revealed that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have secretly agreed to fund the Syrian opposition to buy weapons, after Qatar played an important role in importing weapons to the Libyans protesting against Colonel Muammar Qaddafi in 2011.

The British newspaper quoted a so-called Syrian dissidentas saying that the secret agreement between Qatar, Saudi Arabia and figures from the Syrian opposition took place after Arab Foreign Ministers’ last week meeting in Cairo, at which the Gulf states decided to withdraw their observers from the Arab League’s monitoring mission in Syria.

“The Saudis are offering their support in any way,” said the so-called Syrian dissident, who asked not to be named, adding that Turkey is also involved in the current events in Syria.

He referred to Turkish plans to help solve the main problem facing the insurgents in Syria which is that of smuggling weapons into the Syrian territories.

Intelligence reports and sources, released by al-Manar al-Maqdissiya newspaper, revealed that the US, Israel and France have turned parts of the Turkish and Lebanese territories into camps, gathering, recruiting and training mercenaries and terrorists, with the funds coming from Qatar, whose leaders expressed complete willingness to spend billions to destroy the Syrian arena.

The reports mentioned that intelligence and security crews from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the US, France and Turkey are in charge of these camps that are hosting leaders of criminal militias and convicted prisoners from Arab and foreign countries.

The reports disclosed that the parties participating in the conspiracy against Syria have issued instructions to escalate terrorist operations in the Syrian arena, indicating that Syria’s success in confronting the conspiracy means a resounding failure of the U.S.-Israeli plot in the region.

They added that this explains why Washington has been threatening certain Arab countries because of their support to Syria.

The intelligence sources clarified that the Gulf states are worried that Syria’s steadfastness in the face of the conspiracy might lead to the US ceasing support to the Gulf regimes, the thing which pushed these regimes towards more coordination and cooperation with Israel to increase pressure on Syria.

The conspiratorial plots led by Qatar are not only limited to Syria, but are aimed at a number of the region’s countries.

Informed sources stressed in statements to al-Manar al-Maqdissiya newspaper that Qatar, through direct supervision of its Emir and Prime Minister, is training terrorist cells and gathering their members into networks to carry out assassinations in Arab countries under the patronage of Doha’s embassies abroad.

The sources confirmed that there are terrorist members operating in the Egyptian arena in favor of Qatar’s plots, and that few weeks ago Qatar transported a number of terrorists to the Syrian border with turkey in cooperation with Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government, as well as to the Syrian border with Lebanon in coordination with the militias of Saad al-Hariri and Samir Geagea.

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