Mossad´s Deep Throats blare Murder at Teheran.

Though both official US and Israeli representatives deny that the countries have anything to do with the bomb blast that murdered the Iranian nuclear scientist Ahmadi Roshan on Wednesday 11 January. When the deep state converses it is rare that statements are made that could actually make criminals libel for their homicides. The language of state sanctioned homicide and terrorism is more subtle than that, and yet, the messages are as clear as laughing the victims straight into their faces shouting “we did it, we´ll do it again, and there´s nothing you can do about it“. The intimidation often works, but with respect to Iran the wolf pack´s of Imperialism may very well be biting into the flesh of a state with bones of steel, and they may break their teeth in the attempt to rip it apart.

So how does the Zionist and Imperialist deep state boast his homicides ?  Richard Silverstein, the so called “thinker” is one of the individuals through which the Zionist State often makes unofficial announcements. In his blogg Tikun-Olam, Silverstein boasts “my own confidential Israeli source confirms that todays murder was the work of Mossad and the MEK“. (1)

Another way of blasting confessions of terrorism and homicide straight into the face of Teheran is by making use of the Neo-Con / Zionist FOX News, when it suddenly can report about what has happened in a close session of the Knesset´s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. On 11 January, the day of the homicide on Roshani, FOX reported, that testimony by Lt.Gen. Benny Gantz to a closed parliamentary committee on Tuesday informed the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that 2012 is expected to be a critical year for Iran, and that the confluence of efforts to advance the nuclear program, internal leadership changes, continued international pressure and things that happen to it unnaturally. According to FOX the testimony by Gantz was leaked by a meeting participant who spoke on condition of anonymity because the testimony was closed. FOX continues by informing that Israeli Officials have spoken somewhat giddily of the “unnatural” setbacks that have plagued Iran´s nuclear program. (2)

Back to the basics then. Every news analyst, intelligence analyst, every security expert, and for that sake everyone with basic experience in international politics and diplomacy will willingly confirm the deep relationship between the media and intelligence communities. The deep state is talking through the media, as it wants, what it wants to, and when. Real whistle blowers are a rare and threatened species and they are not to be confused with Alphabet Soup Deep throats. One just has to listen carefully and distinguish the chatter from the marrow, to be aware of what function which “news” are supposed to fulfill. The US-Alphabeth Agencies and the Mossad are well aware of the fact that murdering single Iranian nuclear scientists, even “key nuclear scientists” can hardly stop the nuclear program of Iran. So what function does the terrorism and what function do the homicides have? What function can the blaring out of “we did it, and there´s nothing you can do about it” into the face of Teheran have ?

The only realistic functions the terrorism and the homicides can possibly have are functions of psychological warfare, aiming at the following primary objectives. To create a sense of vulnerability and create stress among scientists as well as the population. To provide a focal point for US- and Israeli supported terrorist networks and opposition. To provoke Iran into a response that would provide a pretext for an Israeli attack on Iran´s nuclear facilities, effectively starting the wider Middle-Eastern War both Washington and Tel-Aviv are preparing. (3)

The homicide on Roshani is most likely nothing but one more provocation that is supposed to coax Iran into a reaction that would make it more easy for US- Israeli, and European politicians to sale their populations a narrative in style with “we had to wage a pre-emptive war now, before it would have been too late“.  What is not reported is that Israel is the sole nation in the Middle-East that possess nuclear weapons and that it has threatened with making use of them. The murder of Roshani is a stark reminder of the crimes that were committed against Iraq under the pretext of “Weapons of Mass Destruction “. Crimes that continue to maim and murder children like those in Fallujah. (4)

Dr. Christof Lehmann



1) Tikun-Olam, Richard Silverstein.

2) FOX News – 11.01.2012.

3) Wider Middle-East and Global War Imminent ?.

4) US Uranium to blame for babies in Fallujah.




About christoflehmann

Christof Lehmann is the founder and senior editor of nsnbc. Christof Lehmann is a political writer, psychologist, and independent political consultant on a wide range of issues, including conflict and conflict resolution, negotiations, security management, crisis management. His articles are published widely in international print and online media and he is a frequent contributor to radio and TV programs. He is a lifelong advocate for human rights, peace and international justice and the prosecution of war crimes - also those committed by privileged nation. In September 2011 Christof Lehmann started the blog nsnbc in response to what he perceived as an embargo on truth about the conflict in Libya and Syria. In 2013, he plans to transform nsnbc into an independent, daily, international online newspaper.
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