Clinton´s Hilarious Blowjob

Clinton´s Hilarious Blow-Job

(Political Satire) Why is it, that every time a member of the Clinton family has one of the highest offices in US politics, that the syllable “blow” appears more often than usual in the language of the political discourse ?

Are you also one of those people who think about Monica Levinsky every time that the syllable “blow” is used in the discourse of US-American politics ? Do you remember William J.´s index finger while he said: “I did not have sex with that woman” ?

Good; because that means that you have learned one of two things, or maybe both. Bill Clinton used every trick in the book not to tell the truth, and/or you have learned that a blow-job, which is a more contemporary word for oral sex, does not qualify as a sexual act.

Now, let us say that it is safe to assume that both the former US-President William Jefferson Clinton and his wife, the current US-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton both are rather competitive minded persons, that they are somewhat ambitious, tending to being over achievers. Would it be surprising that Hillary would want to have her very own blow-job – a better one than the one William had ?

Listening at the recent discussions about the shooting of the US-Ambassador to Libya and speculations that the White House and the State Department may either have been unaware of the fact that they were helping Al Qaeda in Libya and Syria, or that they may have knowingly sided with Al Qaeda et al., and that the assassination of the ambassador is a blow back; and listening to the discussions about the dangers of the long term deterioration of security in Libya, Syria and Turkey because of blow-back, I would say that the blow-back assumptions are rather naive.

Any blow-back theory that is not based on such naivité could as well be part of a cunning PR campaign tied to Hillary´s Blow-Job. Not surprisingly, many of the so-called analysts and experts who blow the most into the horn of the blow-back theory are former spooks.

Why naive ? Because one has to believe that persons who have managed to maneuver themselves into positions where they become Secretary of State usually are intelligent enough to know that one and one adds up to two. Even George Bush could read a tele-prompter.

I have a hard time believing that Hillary was not aware of whom the CIA delegation that was sent to Bengazi, Libya in early 2011 was going to meet and whom the so-called “rebels” and the people from the “Transitional National Council” represented. I find it rather unlikely that Hillary has not been briefed about the West Point anti-terrorism study that detailed, that the greatest per capita contributor to foreign Al Qaeda Fighters in Iraq was Libya, and that over eighty percent of the Libyan Al Qaeda fighters in Iraq came from Bengazi and Derna. Blow-back ? Or Blow-Job ?

Syrian and Russian intelligence services published as early as late 2011 that they had received intelligence that strongly indicated that the Omar Brigade, Al Qaeda´s assassination and bombing experts, based in Saudi Arabia, under supervision of Saudi Arabia´s Interior Minister, had been deployed to Syria. During the summer of 2012 even the Washington Post could not keep it secret any longer that the Obama Administration was  cooperating with, financing and arming “terrorists” in Syria.

The English Newspaper The Guardian recently reported about a shipload of weapons from Libya to Syria. The delivery included SAM-7 and Stinger surface to air missiles. The ship was unloaded in Turkey, the weapons smuggled into Syria via Turkey. A Lebanese journalist from Al Jadeed witnessed how the weapons were distributed to the different terrorist organizations in Syria. By a Turkish officer in Syria.

The Workers´Party – Turkey has filed criminal charges against the Erdogan led AKP government. The Party is referring to the fact that the exact scenario that is played out in Turkey and Syria in 2011 and 2012 is part of the so-called Greater Middle East Project that was drafted by the RAND corporation in 1996. Blow-back ?

It involves the destabilization of Syria, Lebanon and Turkey with the purpose to divide all three states into smaller states.  The region is to be divided along ethnic and religious borders. Or blow-job ?

Blow-Back ? I am confident that Hillary Rodham Clinton is intelligent enough not to be taken by surprise by the blow-back to the Obama Administrations foreign policy. Sure, the assassination of the US ambassador, the terrorism that will plague the Middle East for the coming years is a blow-back – but a very calculated one. I am certain that the blow-back is Part of Hillay´s Hilarious Blow-Job.

I always knew that Hillary has both the Rod and the Ham to screw up things much better, and much nastier than William ever could have.One thing is certain, and that is that Hillary Rod-Ham won´t have to cope with penis envy as long as she can enjoy her unadulterated pornography of power.

Christof Lehmann

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About christoflehmann

Christof Lehmann is the founder and senior editor of nsnbc. Christof Lehmann is a political writer, psychologist, and independent political consultant on a wide range of issues, including conflict and conflict resolution, negotiations, security management, crisis management. His articles are published widely in international print and online media and he is a frequent contributor to radio and TV programs. He is a lifelong advocate for human rights, peace and international justice and the prosecution of war crimes - also those committed by privileged nation. In September 2011 Christof Lehmann started the blog nsnbc in response to what he perceived as an embargo on truth about the conflict in Libya and Syria. In 2013, he plans to transform nsnbc into an independent, daily, international online newspaper.
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