US Delivers New F-15´s to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is to receive a delivery of 84 new Boeing F-15 fighter aircraft from the USA. Based on previous deliveries of fighter aircraft to Saudi Arabia, the delivery of the fighter aircraft is symptomatic of the deteriorating security situation in the Middle East, NATO´s aggressive expansionism in Northern Africa and the Middle east, as well as Israeli – Saudi – US- Relations.

On 29 December 2011 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that it had reached an agreement with the US Government about the delivery of 84 new Boeing F-15´s, as well as upgrades of it´s fleet of 70 F-15´s. Currently Saudi Arabia has 66 F-15C single seat and 18 F-15D two seat fighters, plus 70 F-15S air-to-ground aircraft. The delivery and updates are a significant increase in Saudi Air Power, and will significantly change the military balance in the region.(1)

Outside the NATO alliance the F-15´s are aircraft that are delivered to an exclusive group of nations only, including Saudi Arabia, Japan, Israel, South Korea and Singapore. The latest Saudi delivery will boost the Saudi Air Power to a fleet of 238 F-15´s of all types.  F-15´s have for the last 20 years been a cornerstone of Saudi-US military co-operation.

Besides boosting the Saudi air capabilities the delivery, including the procurement of training, as well as the achievement of greater inter-operation-ability will significantly increase the quality of Saudi-US, as well as potential Saudi-Israeli co-operation for the next decade.

The contract needs to be seen in the light of the increased NATO aggressions in both Northern Africa and the Middle East. It also elicits the fact that Saudi Arabia and Israel are increasing their co-operation concerning their alliances with the USA and NATO, as previous deliveries of fighter jets to Saudi Arabia have been met by significant pressure from Israel and the Israeli Lobby within the USA, most significantly AIPAC.

In 1977 US-President Carter canceled a planned delivery to Saudi Arabia, knowing that he was facing a legislative veto from the US-Congress where AIPAC has a long standing tradition of successful lobby work on behalf of Israel, including what less euphemistically could be called everything between corruption to blackmail. Other deliveries rose strong resistance, such as the 1978 delivery, which was criticized for supporting Saudi Arabia, while it´s position towards Israel after the 1973 Israeli Arab conflict was strongly questioned. Several administrations have met significant resistance against high tech arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia. (ibid.)

The very fact that the new procurement of a fleet of new F-15´s as well as the procurement of significant upgrades, training courses, and more did pass without meeting significant resistance from Israel, AIPAC, and members of the US-Congress strongly indicates that US and NATO policy in the region has succeeded in strengthening and utilizing a strengthened strategic alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has significantly contributed to the war on Libya, contributing both mercenaries of Al Qaeda fractions that are sponsored by the countries Interior Ministry, Special Operations Units, as well as Airforce contingents.

Likewise, Saudi Arabia is currently supporting the ongoing attempted subversion of the Syrian Arab Republic. As reported in a previous article on nsnbc (2) In September 2011 Russian and Syrian Intelligence Services received intelligence that strongly indicated that the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior had deployed the Al-Qaeda Omar Brigade to Syria. The Omar Brigade is known for being assassination experts, and are responsible for the assassination of numerous high ranking Iraqi politicians who were opposed to US Interests in Iraq.

The Saudi Ministry of Interior and Ministry of defense are also waging war on Syria via Lebanon. The Saudi-Lebanese multi billionaire Saad Hariri, who is the leader of the Future Movement party, a traditional US Ally, son of the late Lebanese P.M. Hariri, and himself a former P.M. of Lebanon, has been implicated in financing and arming insurgents who are attempting to establish a state of civil war in Syria that would be used as a pretext for a NATO aggression. (3)

The Saudi procurement of the new Boeing F-15´s can not be seen outside the context of the ongoing NATO aggressions on Syria, the threats of war against Iran, and the fact that Israel and Saudi Arabia, while keeping up appearances, have become close allies in the Middle East. The Saudi procurement is most likely to provoke counter measures by Syria and Iran, as well as Russia who is one of the main targets of the recent aggressions by NATO in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Dr. Christof Lehmann


1) Global Security. Saudi Arabian F-15 Peace Sun.

2) Syria, NATO, and the Modified Chechnyan Model. Lehmann Chr. (2011) nsnbc.

3) Hariri Implicated in Arming NATO Insurgency in Syria. Lehmann Chr. (2011) nsnbc.

About christoflehmann

Christof Lehmann is the founder and senior editor of nsnbc. Christof Lehmann is a political writer, psychologist, and independent political consultant on a wide range of issues, including conflict and conflict resolution, negotiations, security management, crisis management. His articles are published widely in international print and online media and he is a frequent contributor to radio and TV programs. He is a lifelong advocate for human rights, peace and international justice and the prosecution of war crimes - also those committed by privileged nation. In September 2011 Christof Lehmann started the blog nsnbc in response to what he perceived as an embargo on truth about the conflict in Libya and Syria. In 2013, he plans to transform nsnbc into an independent, daily, international online newspaper.
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