Leader of Turkish Labour Party: Government of Justice and Development Party Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Syrians

Leader of Turkish Labour Party: Government of Justice and Development Party Responsible for Killing Hundreds of Syrians

Leader of the Turkish Labour Party, Dogu Perincek, stressed that the government of Justice and Development Party is exploiting its hostile stance against Syria to train terrorists on the Turkish territories, provide them with light and heavy arms and send them to commit murdering and sabotage acts in Syria which resulted in killing hundreds of Syrians.

The Turkish Aydinlik Gazete quoted Perincek as saying that the government of Justice and Development Party is carrying out the task assigned to it within the framework of the so-called Great Middle East.

Perincek said that the government’s crimes are documented with evidence and should be punished according to the Turkish law, adding that putting part of the Turkish territories under the control of some foreign countries and committing acts that might undermine the independence of the country are crimes to be punished in the law.

He said that groups of gunmen to launch attacks against a foreign country or take hostile stances against another country are crimes according to the Turkish law.


Related Article:

Turkey – Triple Split over Syria.

Christof Lehmann – nsnbc

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